Textile Design Technique

Textile Design Technique

Textile design is the process of creating texture. A design starts with a drawing, painting and difference techniques. It is all about experiment of   different kinds of texture.

Theme - Thai Temples

For this project I took inspiration from the Temple of Thailand. All motifs and texture are related to Thai Temple , like- Buddha, Lotus etc.
Buddhist temples in Thailand are known as "wats", from the Pāḷi vāṭa, meaning an enclosure. A temple has an enclosing wall that divides it from the secular world.

Mood Board

Theme Based Textures

Fabric Swatch


Phone - 9676316754
Email - kumarashish786.ak@gmail.com
Website - http://kumarashishnifttextile.ml/avinash
Blog - kumarashishnift.blogspot.com
Resume - https://www.resume.com/share/ashishkumar2?fbclid=IwAR147fOAhlPZNA6pW0QRIJV5Hg3M931-U7aVTZqkf6Xw2hrjbqmvdv8OvpY

Ashish Kumar 
Textile Design 
Bachelor of Design (2015 - 2019)
National Institute of Fashion Technology, Hyderabad - 500081


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